[Python-modules-team] Bug#547198: badly quoted js issue

Arnaud Fontaine arnau at debian.org
Fri Sep 18 11:25:24 UTC 2009

>>>>> Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org> writes:


    > Uhm,  I'm not terribly  at ease at  applying the patch  given that
    > there  are various approaches to  fix the issue  and that upstream
    >  has  not   yet  voiced  his  opinion  about   which  approach  he
    > prefers. Some questions:

    > -  did you try both  the patches or just  one?  - I  see from your
    > patch that  you did not apply the part of  the patch that concerns
    > tests, why so?

Well, the  upstream author has not answered  at all to this  bug. I have
only tried the second version so far. If the upstream author does not do
anything in the next weeks,  would you consider applying this patch? (If
somebody complains about  a breakage in the module, I  guess it won't be
so complicated to fix it or remove it, isn't it?)

I did not apply the tests part of  the patch as I think it is not really
useful but  after thinking again  about it, it  was silly, feel  free to
include it as well ;).

Arnaud Fontaine
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