[Python-modules-team] Bug#627727: python-keyczar: FTBFS: ValueError: RSA modulus length must be a multiple of 256 and > 1024

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Wed May 25 20:53:53 UTC 2011

clone 627727 -1
reassign -1 python-crypto 
severity -1 minor
tags -1 =
retitle -1 python-crypto: incorrect exception message about RSA modulus length

* Christian Kastner <debian at kvr.at>, 2011-05-24, 01:31:
>>| ValueError: RSA modulus length must be a multiple of 256 and > 1024
>This was introduced by PyCrypto (python-crypto) 2.3, specifically the
>following commit:

Please note that the exception message is slightly incorrect: it says 
that the modulus length must be greater than 1024, whereas in reality 
1024 is OK, too.

Jakub Wilk

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