[Python-modules-team] Bug#643990: Inconsistent naming off command-line programs

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Fri Oct 7 06:15:04 UTC 2011

retitle 643990 python-docutils: inconsistent names of rst2*tex scripts
forwarded 643990 http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3419937&group_id=38414&atid=422030
severity 643990 minor
tags 643990 + confirmed

* Juhapekka Tolvanen <juhtolv at iki.fi>, 2011-10-01, 16:43:
>When I see command name "rst2latex", I understand immediately, that it 
>takes RST-code and outputs LaTeX-code. It just follows common naming 
>convention of command line Unix-programs. It is so common that even 
>Jargon File knows about it:
>And that's fine: rst2latex really works exactly as its name suggests.
>Then comes command line program called "rst2xetex". That name suggests, 
>it takes RST-code as its input and outputs Plain TeX -code suitable for 
>TeX-engine called XeTeX. Bzzz! Wrong! It's man page says:
>rst2xetex - convert reST documents to XeLateX
>What the hell? If it outputs LaTeX-code suitable for XeLaTeX, why its 
>name is "rst2xetex" and not "rst2xelatex", then? If I write LaTeX-code 
>that is compiled with TeX-engine called XeTeX, then I compile it with 
>command xelatex, and not xetex.
>That is totally stupid inconsistency. What the hell is going in the 
>twisted minds of developers of python-docutils?

I forwarded your bug report to upstream developers.

Next time, please formulate your compliant in such a way, that I can 
point them directly to the bug report without being embarrassed. Just 
because you're not completely happy about the software they wrote, 
doesn't mean that they don't deserve a little bit of respect.

Thanks in advance.

>BTW who writes Plain TeX -code, anyway, when we have LaTeX and ConTeXt?

Take me for instance.

Jakub Wilk

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