[Python-modules-team] Bug#695554: ipython-doc should not require ipython(2)

Shriramana Sharma samjnaa at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 03:53:27 UTC 2012

Package: ipython
Version: 0.13.1-1

Ideally ipython-doc should not need to have a dependency on ipython. I
do not see why a set of HTML files should require an actual ipy
installation to be there.

If it is because of the examples, I suppose depending on either
ipython|ipython3 would be appropriate, rather than needing users to
install ipython when they do not wish to use Py2 in favour of Py3 and

Please consider removing the dependency or at least change it to
depend on ipython|ipython3. Thanks!

Shriramana Sharma

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