[Python-modules-team] Packages renaming erroneous process

Aleksey Midenkov midenok at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 05:39:55 UTC 2012

Please, when renaming packages don't forget to add conflict with older
name. I am not the first time stumbling upon 'trying to overwrite ...
which is also in package' error with python packages. That were on
upgrades from 2.5 to 2.6. And that continues on upgrade 2.6 to 2.7.
Please, add some rule to your business workflow process. I'm not very
sure is it Debian or Ubuntu responsible for that particular errors.
But that would be good to mention everywhere. Thank you!

Current problems were noticed on following upgrades:

python-sip4 -> python-sip
python-lazr-uri -> python-lazr.uri
python-lazr-restfulclient -> python-lazr.restfulclient

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