[Python-modules-team] Bug#679819: Dropping Provides field broke depending software (python-avogadro)

Daniel Leidert daniel.leidert at wgdd.de
Wed Jul 4 20:19:34 UTC 2012

Am Sonntag, den 01.07.2012, 20:13 -0400 schrieb Scott Kitterman:
> That's a bug in the policy I failed to notice.  It should be restricted to 
> packages that build modules only for the non-default version of Python which 
> Avogadro doesn't.  One or the other package needs to be changed.  I agree with 
> that.
> python-avogadro is the only package in the archive that depends on python2.7-
> qt4.  I think it makes more sense to fix it there than in python-qt4 and depend 
> on a bug in poilcy, but since that's what it says, I'll fix it in python-qt4 if 
> you prefer.

I would prefer if you re-add the Provides field in python-qt4.

If the policy is not correct, it should be fixed after Wheezy release.
I'd appreciate a pointer from your site, when you start the discussion.

> Note that XS-Python-Version: current is long deprecated and has never been 
> supported by dh_python2, so that part of your package isn't doing anything.


Regards, Daniel

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