[Python-modules-team] Bug#682408: pycg: FTBFS with nvidia-cg-toolkit (3.1.0013-1)

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Wed Jul 25 14:17:52 UTC 2012

clone 682408 -1
severity -1 normal
reassign -1 ftp.debian.org
retitle -1 RM: pycg -- RoQA; dead upstream, ftbfs, outdated, unsatisfiable (undeclared) depends
clone -1 -2 -3
retitle -2 RM: pygpu -- RoQA; dead upstream, outdated, depends are going to be removed
retitle -3 RM: python-pyglew -- RoQA; dead upstream, outdated, orphaned, depends are going to be removed

On 2012-07-25 15:37, Miguel A. Colón Vélez wrote:
> I looked at the upstream website and this package had only one release
> in 2007 and was intended for the CG-toolkit 1.4.

1.4 was never in Debian (or the installer for it in [contrib])
1.3.x dates back to 2006, 1.5.x was uploaded in 2007 and 2.0.x in 2008,
finally 3.1 in 2012 (and moved to non-free)

> It's a package created for and only used by python-pygpu and that
> package was removed from testing because of #632378. Python-pyglew,
> python-pygpu and python-pycg are from the same upstream author and are
> all unmaintained since their first 2007 release. It would probably be
> better to just remove it since it seems that python-pyglew and
> python-pygpu could get removed soon and the package is dead upsteam.
> IMO is not worth it to take it over.

Thanks for the analysis. Turning this into RM requests.


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