[Python-modules-team] Bug#693612: Menu items should be added for ipython3 and ipython3-qtconsole

Shriramana Sharma samjnaa at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 15:46:33 UTC 2012

Package: ipython
Version: 0.13.1-1

The ipython and ipython-qtconsole packages which are both built for
Py2 currently provide the menu files
/usr/share/applications/ipython.desktop and
/usr/share/applications/ipython-qtconsole.desktop due to which we are
able to access them from the menu and KDE KRunner. However, the Py3
equivalents ipython3 and ipython3-qtconsole packages do not provide
equivalent menu items. Since Py3 is the future, please add such
desktop files so that we can execute them from the menu and KRunner.

Shriramana Sharma

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