[Python-modules-team] Bug#699312: Bug#699312: pytest version in raring is old

Simon Chopin chopin.simon at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 18:10:41 UTC 2013

Hello Joseph,

Quoting Joseph Tate (2013-01-30 05:27:08)
> I've updated the version of pytest to the latest upstream.  It doesn't need to be backported, I would just like to see the version in raring be updated.
> *** /tmp/tmpKV7SC6/bug_body
> In Ubuntu, the attached patch was applied to achieve the following:
>   * New upstream release, backport to precise
> Thanks for considering the patch.

As you might not be aware of, Debian testing is currently frozen, which
means that to keep a clear migration path for RC bug fixes I avoid
uploading new upstream versions to unstable at this time.

However, I'm considering uploading this new upstream version to
experimental as soon as I've figured out how the DPMT deals with


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