[Python-modules-team] web2py package outdated (even in sid)

Mike Lumsden mike_lumsden at hotmail.com
Thu May 23 17:34:07 UTC 2013

Hi there,

Please accept my apologies for e-mailing directly, my experience is 
limited in this area. I run Linux Mint 14, derived from Ubuntu 12.10, 
derived from Debian (wheezy, I presume, as it was testing at the time). 
The package I am concerned about is "web2py", and according to Synaptic, 
it comes directly from Debian (unpatched by Ubuntu or Mint). The version 
in the Debian stable, testing, and unstable repositories is "1.99.7-1". 
The current version is "2.4.6-stable+timestamp.2013.", 
taken from the web2py website. The experimental repository doesn't 
feature the web2py package at all. Please can this be packaged and put 
into a repository (presumably unstable or experimental?) I would do it 
myself, but I haven't ever created a Debian package, and wouldn't like 
to make a mistake and submit an incorrect package!

Please let me know if I should re-direct this query somewhere else.

Thank you,

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