[Python-modules-team] [Python-modules-commits] r24400 - in packages/pyparsing/trunk/debian (5 files)

Thomas Goirand zigo at debian.org
Thu May 30 02:59:24 UTC 2013

Hi Jakub,

Thanks for your mail, and sorry that it took me so long to answer.

I was busy with other stuff, and I found it not urgent until
python3-pyparsing was approved from NEW yesterday, and we can finally
transition both pyparsing and python3-pyparsing in Sid. So I think now
is the time to fix it, and upload both source packages in Sid.

On 05/22/2013 12:49 AM, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * Thomas Goirand <zigo at debian.org>, 2013-05-19, 15:10:
>>>> -    find $(CURDIR)/debian/python{,3}-pyparsing \
>>>> -        \( -name '*.html' -o -name '*.css' -o -name '*.py' \
>>>> -                          -o -name 'README' \) \
>>>> -        -type f -print0 \
>>>> -    | xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty fromdos -p --
>>> Was dropping this intentional? The change is not documented in the
>>> changelog, and tofrodos is still in Build-Depends-Indep (even though
>>> it's no longer used AFAICS).
>> I just spent some time to search for DOS files, and didn't. Did you
>> spot some in pyparsion 1.5.7?
> Yup, there are plenty of them:
> pyparsing-1.5.7+dfsg1$ find -type f | xargs file | grep -wc 'with CRLF'
> 90

I'm sorry, but I still couldn't find them (it seems that my text editor
isn't showing it as it should, which is possible but surprising, as it
always did...).

Could you point at at least *one* file with some \r in it, so I have a
base to work on?



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