[Python-modules-team] Bug#720342: [python-sphinxcontrib.spelling] Impossible to use another than en language

Daniele Tricoli eriol at mornie.org
Wed Sep 4 14:57:05 UTC 2013

forwarded 720342 https://bitbucket.org/dhellmann/sphinxcontrib-spelling/issue/2/

Hello Slavko,

On Tuesday 20 August 2013 20:08:47 Slavko wrote:
> there is a problem with using (defining) another language than "en",
> because the same variable is used to load the tokenizer and for
> dictionary, but the python-enchant package has only the "en.py"
> tokenizer, which is good for other languages (at least for Slovak) too.

Many thanks for your report. I forwarded upstream so all will take
advantage of the fix! :)

Kind regards,

 Daniele Tricoli 'Eriol'
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