[Python-modules-team] Bug#741606: Bug#741606: Test suite missing and not run during the package build

Nicolas Dandrimont olasd at debian.org
Sun Apr 27 08:11:34 UTC 2014

Control: tags -1 + fixed-upstream pending

* Robie Basak <robie.basak at ubuntu.com> [2014-03-14 13:09:56 +0000]:

> I'm doing some QA on this package in preparation for main inclusion in
> Ubuntu. I found that upstream has a test suite, but does not ship it in
> the PyPI tarball, and thus it is not being run as part of the package
> build. It would be nice if we could do this. I've filed a bug upstream
> to have it included, and I'd like this bug to track that the tests are
> being not being run in Debian.
> In Ubuntu I may end up cherry-picking the entire test suite as a patch
> and running it to fulfill our requirements, but I presume it would be
> better for Debian to fix this when upstream can ship the test suite
> directly.

* Robie Basak <robie.basak at ubuntu.com> [2014-03-17 17:18:40 +0000]:

> Note that I also had an issue with some upstream tests requiring an
> Internet connection. I filed
> https://github.com/liris/websocket-client/pull/66 with a workaround I
> applied to Ubuntu and to track this.


First of all, thanks for your report, and sorry I spent so much time getting
back to you.

I see that upstream has fixed both issues and released a tarball containing the
fixes. I'll update the package ASAP.

Thanks for your work with upstream on those issues!

Nicolas Dandrimont

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