[Python-modules-team] Bug#753462: python-django-jsonfield

Brian May brian at microcomaustralia.com.au
Sat Jul 5 01:28:41 UTC 2014

On 4 July 2014 12:13, Brian May <brian at microcomaustralia.com.au> wrote:

> I tried to go back to the "correct" version, django-jsonfield. It doesn't
> appear to work properly with Python3, something that I require. It imports
> six, but this seems to be very much incomplete. The tests fail under
> Python3.

If I apply the following patch, all tests pass under Python2 and Python3
without warnings under wheezy and sid.

So I might just apply the patch and upload to Debian. Seems like the safest

Shame though this won't work out of the box with the version in Pypi. Most
of the changes involve tests only, so don't matter, there is one line that
is for a non-test file however.
Brian May <brian at microcomaustralia.com.au>
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