[Python-modules-team] Bug#755805: Bug#755805: pyhton-requests does not support SNI in TLS

Julien Cristau julien.cristau at logilab.fr
Wed Jul 23 15:38:33 UTC 2014

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 15:34:12 +0200, Erwan David wrote:

> Package: python-requests
> Version: 2.3.0-1
> Severity: normal
> When connecting to calendar.rail.eu.org, pycardsyncer (which uses
> requests) complains of a certificate mismatch : it gets the defaukt
> one, not the certificate it should if it used the TLS SNI extension
> (the clients sends the name of the server for which it wants the
> certificate).
It should work if you install python-ndg-httpsclient and python-pyasn1.

Julien Cristau          <julien.cristau at logilab.fr>
Logilab		        http://www.logilab.fr/
Informatique scientifique & gestion de connaissances

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