[Python-modules-team] Bug#736878: python-django: Please provide python3-django

Raphael Hertzog hertzog at debian.org
Tue Jun 24 06:51:04 UTC 2014

Hello Brian,

thanks for your work!

On Tue, 24 Jun 2014, Brian May wrote:
> New patch attached.
> /etc/bash_completion.d/django_bash_completion and /usr/bin/django-admin now
> supplied with python3-django.
> python-django recommends python3-django as a result.
> Hopefully I have set the Breaks/Replaces headers correctly to allow for
> upgrades.
> Any objections if I commit this into subversion and upload to Debian
> unstable?

It doesn't look clean to have python-django recommends python3-django just
to have django-admin and django_bash_completion. I believe it would better
to move them to a "python-django-common" package, no?

And we could/should move to that common package all the non *.py files
like *.po, *.mo, *.html, *.css, *.gif, *.png, *.json, *.js, etc.

Django is relatively large, I don't like duplicating files when it's not
really needed.

In any case, feel free to commit your work to subversion, we can always
improve furter before upload.

> --- python-django-1.6.5.old/debian/python3-django.dirs	1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
> +++ python-django-1.6.5/debian/python3-django.dirs	2014-06-23 11:19:43.231273218 +1000
> @@ -0,0 +1 @@
> +/usr/bin

Why is that needed? Most tools create the required directories on the fly.

Otherwise it looks good to me.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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