[Python-modules-team] Bug#662253: backtraces upon using XF86AudioRaiseVolume buttons: unichr() arg not in range(0x110000)

Marcelo Lacerda marceloslacerda at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 02:49:24 UTC 2014

Hi again,
the latest version of psychopy does not trigger the bug anymore, but 
using the example events.py from the pyglet source package still 
triggers the error.

That this bug seems to be fixed in the latest version(from the official 
source repository) of pyglet. I'm not sure if getting debian to update 
to the latest version is a solution since 1.2~alpha1 doesn't run on my 
system, failing at some random configuration not found error.

On 03/24/2014 07:50 AM, Marcelo Lacerda wrote:
> I was unable to reproduce this bug. The offending part of the code
> presented by the reporter remains unchanged in the latest version of
> pyglet, however pyglet does not capture my volume controls.
> I think this is related to xfce4 grabbing the input and not
> re-dispatching to pyglet.

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