[Python-modules-team] Bug#770284: requests: should not use system modules during build process

Daniele Tricoli eriol at mornie.org
Thu Nov 20 14:55:50 UTC 2014

Hello Edward,
thanks for the report.

On Thu, 20 Nov 2014 08:38:04 +0000 Edward Betts <edward at 4angle.com> wrote: 
> I downloaded the source package for requests and I'm rebuilding it with the
> patch from #770172. The build process fails because setup.py pulls in the
> system version of the urllib3 library, which is currently broken.
> I assume I will be able to build requests if I uninstall python-requests.
> The requests package should not be using the system installed requests
> library during build.

requests uses system python-urllib3 to follow Policy 4.13. The advantage of 
this is that fixing the system lib all the package depending on it will get 
the fix.
I already fixed in python-urllib3 1.9.1-3. I already asked for an upload (I'm 
not yet a DD or DM) but you can build the updated package taking the code from 

So, not using an embedded copy we have only to fix this once. :)

 Daniele Tricoli 'Eriol'

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