[Python-modules-team] Bug#794765: Please provide debug build of pyside

Goswin von Brederlow goswin-v-b at web.de
Wed Aug 12 14:00:22 UTC 2015

On Thu, Aug 06, 2015 at 05:51:59PM +0200, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
> Control: found -1 1.0.9-2
> Le jeudi, 6 août 2015, 14.40:10 Goswin von Brederlow a écrit :
> > every now and then pyside crashes with a segfault. Most often because
> > it doesn't play nice with the python GC and widgets have to keep
> > python objects stored in C++ alive manually. But sometimes it isn't
> > obvious where and why pyside segfaults. For those it would be nice if
> > one could use python3-dbg and get better gdb backtraces for the
> > application. But this requires a debug build of pyside.
> > 
> > Please provide a debug build of pyside.
> Since 1.0.9-2, debug packages are not built anymore, as they were huge 
> to build and resulted in insanely big binary packages, see 
> http://snapshot.debian.org/package/pyside/1.0.9-1/ .
> You can still build these yourself, see:
> 	http://sources.debian.net/src/pyside/1.2.2-1/debian/README.source
> Is this enough for you? I really don't want to add the debug packages 
> back (and don't plan much PySide work at all, btw).
> Cheers,
> OdyX

Some hours of building later:

The -dbg build got " 1% tests passed, 405 tests failed out of 408".
Lots of failures in refrence counts, tests/QtGui/qmainwindow_test.py
and tests/QtWebKit/shouldInterruptjavascript_test.py hang and need to
be manually killed, lots of segfaults in the tests and finally:

# Do the legacy install for the rest
dh_install -ppython-pyside-dbg --sourcedir=debian/tmp-dbg
dh_install -ppython3-pyside-dbg --sourcedir=debian/tmp-dbg
dh_install: python3-pyside-dbg missing files (usr/lib/*/cmake/PySide-*/*dmu.cmake), aborting
make[1]: *** [override_dh_install_2] Error 255
make[1]: Leaving directory `/build/brederlo/pyside/pyside-1.2.1'
make: *** [binary] Error 2

When was the last time you did a debug build?


PS: That's why I want debug packages from the start no matter how big
they are. If they aren't autobuild then by the time you need them they
don't work.

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