[Python-modules-team] Django 1.9

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Thu Dec 3 15:42:22 UTC 2015


> > I'm tempted to package only LTS releases in Debian unstable

As as large "end-developer" of Django projects and Django components,
the drawbacks of not having the latest version as possible in the stable
release (and thus being uploaded to unstable) would personally far
outweigh the benefits of sticking with a version with an "LTS" label.

Not having, say, 1.9 in stretch would be technically frustrating, not
only in the literal sense of missing features that I would like to
utilise, but also in that they might necessitate requiring sub-optimal
solutions such as dh-virtualenv, etc. to circumvent cleanly or
efficiently - using a hypothetical 1.9 from -backports would not
sufficient due to the useful libraries typically not being reliably

Furthermore, I would find it politically/socially awkward in that asking
fellow developers to stick to what they could rightfully perceive as an
"ancient" version of Django to satisfy some policy in another operating
system an uphill battle and barrier to contribute. The meme of "Debian
is old" is, in itself, also somewhat tedious and worth combatting in

What, exactly, are we worried about? My experience of investigating and
handling of security issues in very old versions of Django are that they
are usually trivially backportable anyway.

(Just my quick thoughts, apologies for any incoherence.)


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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