[Python-modules-team] Bug#807097: python-django: Undeclared removal of previously supported features causes crashes

Neil Williams codehelp at debian.org
Sun Dec 6 08:29:16 UTC 2015

On Sat, 5 Dec 2015 22:06:05 +0100
Raphael Hertzog <hertzog at debian.org> wrote:

> On Sat, 05 Dec 2015, Neil Williams wrote:
> > http://paste.debian.net/341382/  
> So this one is fairly obvious, I already replied that it's
> django.template.base.Origin that you should have used in the first
> place since where the code actually is... relying on the fact that it
> was also imported in django.template is not very future-proof (when
> not documented).

I don't see any use of Origin in the lava-server code. If I had
something which I could fix in the lava-server codebase, I would have
fixed it with the testing I did against 1.9 in experimental - that
release works fine. 1.9-1 in unstable is broken in ways I do not
attempt to understand.

It's made all the harder by the haste because I'm having to test with
code still in review upstream. I need to make an upstream release this
week and everything was in place with the version of 1.9 which was in
experimental. That was all tested and working. The build of 1.9 in
unstable is what is raising these problems.

> > http://paste.debian.net/341383/  
> This one is actually documented, add_to_builtins has never been a
> public API.

... and I'm not using it - at all, anywhere.
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/releases/1.9/#django-template-base-add-to-builtins-is-removed
> So what's left on your grave bug report?

Spurious crashes in lava-server caused by reports of code which is not
in use in lava-server.

> Nothing except vitriol against the fact that it was uploaded a bit
> hastily. Please take that somewhere else... or express it in a less
> confrontional way.

Sorry but the problem is specific to this build of 1.9 in unstable. 1.9
as it was in experimental was fine.
> Please close this bug unless you are able to show us a real problem.

Downgrading to 1.8 without any other changes fixes the issue,
installing the version of 1.9 which was in experimental fixes the issue
as well, there is something specific to 1.9-1 going on here.


Neil Williams

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