[Python-modules-team] python-enable buggy - affecting kiva, chaco and more

Ilja Gerhardt ilja at quantumlah.org
Fri Jun 5 17:08:59 UTC 2015

Hi Python-team,

since quite some time (2012!!), we find the chaco package broken in
Ubuntu [1]. The density plots simply don't work [2]. This might be
related to kiva [3]. One workaround is to compile the package w/o the
optimizations [4]. It would be very kind, if you could release an
updated python-enable package, such that we could use python-chaco in
Ubuntu. Presently, we have quite some trouble with this bug!!

Best Regards

               Ilja Gerhardt

[1] - try: python

[2] - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-chaco/+bug/1145575

[3] - https://github.com/enthought/enable/issues/74

[4] - https://github.com/enthought/enable/issues/97 - see post from June
19th, 2014

Dr. Ilja Gerhardt :: MPI Stuttgart :: Snail-Mail: University of
Stuttgart :: 3. Institute of Physics :: Room 6.549 :: Pfaffenwaldring 57
:: 70569 Stuttgart :: Tel: +49-711-685-65283 :: ilja at quantumlah.org ::

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