[Python-modules-team] Bug#789390: Bug#789390: pyclamd: please update the package to 0.3.15

Gianfranco Costamagna costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it
Sat Jun 20 17:57:54 UTC 2015

Hi Scott!

>They all look good.  I'll incorporate them and some other changes and upload 
>shortly.  It seems you missed adding python-setuptools and python3-setuptools 
>to the build-depends.  That indicates to me you aren't testing your packages 
>in a clean environment.  In this case it's not a big deal, since I do, but for 
>future reference it's a good practice to do so to detect exactly this kind of 

You are completely right :)

I usually do it for packages I comaintain, and I do only source uploads since an year or so.

I didn't check in a complete pbuilder environment because the goal was just to check if the new
version didn't have any new dependency, and I know refactoring the debianization might end up in
a mail to /dev/null (you might be confortable with your packaging, why use setuptools?)

Since I was in a hurry, and I didn't finish my checks for the package :)

(I didn't even send the watch file correctly)

Thanks a lot for fixing it, and for caring about the update!
(this is almost the fastest upload I saw in my life)



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