[Python-modules-team] www.packages.debian.org

Amber Bridgeford | Creative Zeald Ltd amberbridgeford20 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 21 03:35:33 UTC 2015

Hi, my name's Amber, and I'm emailing you from an Auckland based-Online  
Advertising Agency that specialises in both SEO (-Google- Rankings) and  
creating Custom Designed and Developed Websites.

Our SEO and Web Services are legitimate, high quality, and most of all  
affordable. We also offer a written guarantee for our SEO services that  
you'll appear on the 1st page of-Google.

If we do not rank you on the first page of-Google in 90 days, you can exit  
the agreement.

Please let me know if you are interested in improving your website's  
ranking on-Google.

This is a real value Advise which comes free of cost.

I'd like to follow up about this with a quick phone call. Can I call you  
this week to discuss your campaign?

Amber Bridgeford | MARCOM DIRECTOR


Headquarters: Level 4, 147 Parnell Road, Parnell 1052, Auckland.New Zealand

Other Offices: Christchurch | Wellington | Hamilton | Tauranga & Dunedin

Global Presence: Hong Kong & China | USA | AUS | UAE | Singapore

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