[Python-modules-team] Important Inheritance Notification.

DEANS COURT CHAMBERS craig.sephton at deanscourt.co.uk
Sat May 9 15:21:19 UTC 2015

You have been mentioned in the Will and Last Testaments of our deceased
client. Be informed that our client may be related to you as no other next
of kin has been mentioned in the same WILL. Please, notify me directly if we
should resume the process. Our current instruction is to transfer all
contents of the WILL to the appropriate department here in UK and close the

Our next action will depend on your decision to proceed or decline the

Thank you.

Craig Sephton QC
Deans Court Chambers
24 St. John Street
Manchester M3 4DF
DX: 718155 Manchester 3

This message may contain any discussion of legal matters, hence should be
taken as an authoritative interpretation of the law.

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