[Python-modules-team] Bug#741046: python-pdfminer: Please package latest upstream

Gianfranco Costamagna costamagnagianfranco at yahoo.it
Thu Nov 5 11:14:26 UTC 2015

Hi you both.

>[¹] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/python-modules/packages/pdfminer.git

I did a build and install, but I had to use --auto-deconfigure to make it configure properly.

debomatic-amd64 ran piupart successfully, so the problem should have been that dpkg wasn't smart enough to understand it

I installed apt from experimental, installed pdfminer from testing and ran

"sudo apt install pdfminer-data_20140328+dfsg-1_all.deb python-pdfminer_20140328+dfsg-1_all.deb"


The package has been sponsored on unstable, thanks for letting me contribute there!



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