[Python-modules-team] Processed (with 1 error): your mail

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Tue Apr 5 12:03:10 UTC 2016

Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:

> block 800684 by 820020
Bug #800684 [wnpp] RFP: python-privacyidea -- Two Factor Authentication system for OTP and other tokens
800684 was blocked by: 799720 798016 803086 803095 803092 789416 803096 803085 801213 803093 802836 803091
800684 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 800684: 820020
> block 800684 by 803091
Bug #800684 [wnpp] RFP: python-privacyidea -- Two Factor Authentication system for OTP and other tokens
800684 was blocked by: 803086 820020 803091 803093 803085 803095 798016 789416 803096 802836 803092 799720 801213
800684 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #800684 to the same blocks previously set
> merge 820020 803091
Bug #820020 [python3-responses] python3-responses: Please update the package to a new upstream version
Unable to merge bugs because:
package of #803091 is 'src:responses' not 'python3-responses'
Failed to merge 820020: Did not alter merged bugs.

> --
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
800684: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=800684
803091: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=803091
820020: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=820020
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems

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