[Python-modules-team] Bug#834116: Bug#834116: django-model-utils: description should distinguish different binary packages

Brian May bam at debian.org
Fri Aug 12 10:19:06 UTC 2016

Ben Finney <bignose at debian.org> writes:

> Every package description should make clear what is specific to each
> binary package built from a source package. Please distinguish the
> different binary packages by what actually makes them different (in
> this case: the target Python version of each).
> This distinction should be in both the synopsis and long description.
> Attached is a Git bundle which implements an improved description for
> each binary package. It is also in the branch located at
> <URL:https://notabug.org/bignose/debian_django-model-utils/src/wip/issue/description>.


Thanks for the report.

Feel free to make changes and push to the git repository.

I have applied your changes. The only thing I changed was the changelog
- for some reason you created a new entry instead of reusing the latest

Note that the package currently FTBFS - I am assuming Django 1.10 issues
- so I won't be able to do an upload anytime soon.

Brian May <bam at debian.org>

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