[Python-modules-team] Bug#846871: Bug#845643: python{, 3}-{html5lib, sparqlwrapper} should be i-deps of python{, 3}-rdflib

chrysn chrysn at fsfe.org
Wed Dec 7 09:52:17 UTC 2016

Both for sparqlwrapper and for rdflib, there are now fixed versions in
VCS ([1], [2]) that declare their dependencies not only inside Debian
but also in their egg-info.

The sparqlwrapper changes are already accepted upstream, rdflib changes
are pending there.

Andreas, could you sponsor these uploads again?


[1]: debcheckout sparql-wrapper-python
  latest head should be d9eea45ec77afd435e0b5d0560884ca3333f47dc
[2]: git clone https://anonscm.debian.org/git/collab-maint/rdflib.git --
  latest head should be 81c32657796d03b24d6285fbd40886e4cfb4a81b
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