[Python-modules-team] Bug#814023: pyqt5-dev-tools should be offered in Python 2 and 3 variants

Elvis Stansvik elvstone at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 18:40:01 UTC 2016

Hi Dimitry,

2016-02-07 18:10 GMT+01:00 Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at debian.org>:
> Hi Elvis,
> On Sun, Feb 07, 2016 at 05:48:40PM +0100, Elvis Stansvik wrote:
>> The pyqt5-dev-tools currently depends on Python 3. Since packages of PyQt5 are
>> for both Python 2 and 3 are available, I think it would make sense to split
>> this package into python3-pyqt5-dev-tools and python2-pyqt5-dev-tools, for
>> Python 3 and Python2, respectively. The scripts installed would have to be
>> renamed (e.g. "python2-pyuic5" and "python3-pyuic5" to avoid conflict).
> Please remember that initally our PyQt5 packages were for Python 3 only.
> We have added Python 2 packages only to help other applications (like Calibre)
> porting from PyQt 4 to PyQt 5. I do not recommend using Python 2 in new code.

I see, that explains why there's no Python 2 variant. I wouldn't
recommend Python 2
either, but in this case a dependency on VTK keeps us on Python 2 for now, until
VTK 7 has been packaged (which is Python 3 ready). This should happen soon-ish,
but we need to work on our tool right now. We'll switch to Python 3 as soon as
something like a python3-vtk7 package is ready (debian-sci-maintainers
are working
on it).

>> As it currently stands, if I'm developing a PyQt5 application using Python 2, I
>> need the tools provided by this package. But installing it needlessly forces me
>> to install Python 3. I have no problem with installing Python 3 on my dev
>> machine, but when building the application in a clean environment such as
>> Docker, pulling in Python 3 seems a bit silly. It would be much better if there
>> was a python2-pyqt5-dev-tools I could install.
> I will not do this. If you just need to use pyuic with Python 2 then you may
> just use “python2 -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic command” which needs only python-pyqt5.

Yea, that's what I'll do for now. The tool I'm using for invoking
pyuic (pyqt-distutils)
even has options letting me specify the command, so that should work fine.

> What I can do is to replace a dependency on python3 with a recommendation —
> as two of three tools in this package are written in C++ and do not need Python
> at all. Let me know if this will help you.

That would be much appreciated, because I need the pyrcc5 binary provided by the
package, and if you would drop the dependency to a recommendation, I could avoid
unnecessarily installing Python 3 in the Docker container where I deploy my app.

Thanks for the quick reply.


> --
> Dmitry Shachnev

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