[Python-modules-team] Bug#803096: python-bcrypt: please update python-bcrypt

Daniel Stender debian at danielstender.com
Sat Jan 2 18:58:10 UTC 2016

On 02.01.2016 19:24, Simon Fondrie-Teitler wrote:
> Hey,
> Raphael Hertzog <hertzog at debian.org> writes:
>> Control: severity -1 important
>> On Mon, 26 Oct 2015, Daniel Stender wrote:
>>> Please update python-bcrypt, we need >= 1.1.0 for Privacyidea.
>> I have a similar need for Django 1.9 whose test suite currently fails due
>> to this...
>> Except that the package currently tracks py-bcrypt:
>> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/py-bcrypt
>> And the version that seem to be most popular is this one which is
>> backwards compatible with py-bcrypt:
>> https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bcrypt
>> I would suggest to just switch to bcrypt. The other ones seems
>> unmaintained and the google code hosting is now read only without
>> any clear place for followup.
>> I'm ccing the upstream author of py-bcrypt to have his input. Damien,
>> maybe you should officially deprecate py-bcrypt in favor of bcrypt?
>> And update http://www.mindrot.org/projects/py-bcrypt/ and pypi accordingly.
>> (I don't think that you can update google code at this point)
>> Daniel, the current maintainer seems MIA, are you willing to prepare the
>> update so that I can sponsor it? :-)
>> Simon, in case you read this, shall we drop you from the uploaders or are
>> you willing to handle this update?
> Cool, I didn't know there was a fork of this. I should be able to work
> on getting a new version out. I'll ping you for a review when it's
> ready.
> Simon

Hi Simon,

I've already worked on that package out of the Python group, the changes are in the group
repo. I can't upload yet, thus everything is pending.

Daniel Stender

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