[Python-modules-team] Bug#832192: Bug#832192: celeryd: Section should not be “python”

Brian May bam at debian.org
Mon Jul 25 22:34:51 UTC 2016

To: Debian-Devel

Any ideas what section this package should go into?

I don't really care myself, however don't want to move it somewhere and
find that I need to move it again.


Ben Finney <ben+debian at benfinney.id.au> writes:

> Well, it seems at least a good fit: Celery is a “system resource” as
> much as any other daemon that provides services to applications behind
> the scenes.
> The sections aren't going to fit all packages perfectly, though. If
> you can justify the package fitting some other section by functional
> description, go for it.
Brian May <bam at debian.org>

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