[Python-modules-team] Bug#842903: sphinx: Cirular build dependency on python3-xapian

Dmitry Shachnev mitya57 at debian.org
Wed Nov 2 09:18:01 UTC 2016


On Wed, Nov 02, 2016 at 10:04:17AM +0200, Al Nikolov wrote:
> Dear Maintainer,
> You introduced new build dependencies on python-xapian and python3-xapian.
> The source of them, xapian-bindings, has python-sphinx and python3-sphinx among it's own build dependencies.

The build-dependency on python-xapian is not new, Sphinx has it since 2011
(see the changelog entry for 1.1.2+dfsg-1).

However, I only need it for tests, so it is safe to remove (and I can add
it to the autopkgtests to make sure nothing breaks when Xapian is upgraded).

Dmitry Shachnev
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