[Python-modules-team] Bug#841726: ipython3: importing something from ipython has side effects

Dominik George nik at naturalnet.de
Sat Oct 22 21:58:11 UTC 2016


> Many, many Python packages have import-time side-effects that are
> far more suble than this. Whilst this a regrettable state of affairs,
> fixing them all is just not possible anymore.

Well, this bug report is about this specific bug, not all bugs of this kind.

> A script that imports all packages installed on a system as you
> suggest seems to be the problem, rather than ipython itself.

Not at all.  This is the only way to get a list of all available Python
packages, and it is even what core Python's help("modules") does.  So, when
ipython is installed, running help("modules") in a pure python3 interpreter
modifes the execution environment for good, in such a way that it drops to
an IPython shell at any point as it likes.

Besides speech-dispatcher, against which I also reported a bug, I do not
have any packages on my system that show such behaviour.


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Dominik George · Hundeshagenstr. 26 · 53225 Bonn
Mobile: +49-1520-1981389 · https://www.dominik-george.de/

Teckids e.V. · FrOSCon e.V.
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