[Python-modules-team] Bug#855829: Bug#855829: Possible solution

Neil Williams codehelp at debian.org
Tue Aug 8 17:50:15 UTC 2017

On Tue, 08 Aug 2017 18:09:30 +1000
Brian May <bam at debian.org> wrote:

> Neil Williams <codehelp at debian.org> writes:
> > I suggest that the first step is to remove the problematic tablib
> > support from a new 1.10 django-tables upload with a view to closing
> > the bugs and allowing migration. Later, consideration can be given
> > to adding the support back *if* tablib is fixed in Debian. More
> > likely, I suspect that tablib will disappear along with the xsl
> > dependencies and the python2 runtime for antlr as the Python3
> > migration moves forward.  
> I expect to be busy for the time being, however if somebody is able to
> make the above changes to git (or offer an alternative suggestion), I
> should be able to review and upload a new package.

I've pushed a new temporary branch [0] (which can be removed once
reviewed) which uses the removal method in lieu of upstream merging the
pull request [1] and making a new upstream release. Please review.

[0] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/python-modules/packages/django-tables.git/commit/?h=codehelp
[1] https://github.com/bradleyayers/django-tables2/pull/469


Neil Williams

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