[Python-modules-team] Bug#876413: [feedparser] new upstream version available

Carl Suster carl at contraflo.ws
Sat Dec 2 02:08:42 UTC 2017

Hi Antoine,

I've updated the packaging of feedparser and pushed 5.2.1-1 to mentors:



 > Unfortunately, it seems the newer version from the `devel` branch may
 > be needed for 3.5 support. As it stands now, 5.2.1 works fine in
 > Python 3.5 here.

5.2.1 is at least a start, and maybe afterwards we can look at improving 
the python3 support. However it does seem that the project has been 
semi-abandoned upstream.

If you're still interested in feedparser, could you perhaps review my 

A couple of the tests were failing but it wasn't obvious to me why they 
should ever have passed in the first place. For now I disabled those, 
and then later in a subsequent version I intend to investigate in more 
detail while exploring the python3 situation.


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