[Python-modules-team] Bug#857006: python-urllib3: Missing version constraint for six

Daniele Tricoli eriol at mornie.org
Wed Mar 8 00:11:35 UTC 2017

Hello Tristan,
thanks for this report.

On Tuesday, March 7, 2017 5:19:02 AM CET Tristan Seligmann wrote:
> setup.py does not have a version constraint on six as it is vendored
> upstream, but since we are unvendoring it in Debian, we need a version
> constraint. This is made trickier by the fact that upstream won't be
> tracking the minimum version for us, as they only need to care about the
> specific version they vendor. Perhaps a >= <version that is vendored>
> constraint in Debian would be the easiest?

It seems that urllib3 is vendoring six 1.10.0:

I will add the >= 1.10.0, on the next upload. I plan to upload
urllib 1.20 to experimental soon.

Should I need to backport this also for Stretch?


 Daniele Tricoli 'eriol'
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