[Python-modules-team] Bug#690942: python-pgmagick: Image.attribute does not set the attribute but instead appends to it

Juraj Komačka komackaj at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 19:05:27 UTC 2017

Hi all,

this is beahviour described in GM's docs - see 

Retested with libgraphicsmagick++1 (=1.3.25-8) and python-pgmagick 
(=0.6.4-1) from Stretch.

 > If the named attribute already exists, the provided text is appended 
to the existing attribute text.

In this unreleased commit - 
http://hg.code.sf.net/p/graphicsmagick/code/rev/c9067f61966c was 
implemented functionality required to remove image attributes
 > Pass NULL to remove an existing text attribute, or to restart the 
text attribute from scratch.
so hopefully will be present in next GM release (after 1.3.25) - all 
this applies to the C++ library.

After that maintainer of python-pgmagick should be made aware of this 
new functionality (by filling an issue at 
https://github.com/hhatto/pgmagick) to make this functionality available 
in Python bindings.

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