[Python-modules-team] Bug#877895: intersphinx plugin makes packages unreproducible

Dmitry Shachnev mitya57 at debian.org
Sat Oct 14 10:24:59 UTC 2017

On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 08:34:27AM -0400, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> > I do not want to hardcode Debian paths to various .inv files. What else
> > can I do?
> Well, you can write *multiple* paths there, and the last one (None)
> fetches over the network, so it should work transparently everywhere.
> Not sure what your question is here though...

I mean that I do not want to make Sphinx automatically replace
https://docs.python.org/3/ with /usr/share/doc/python3-doc/html/, etc.

While this would probably help building Debian packages, not everybody
uses Sphinx for building Debian packages, and there are users who will
not like this behavior.

So now my question is: is there anything else I can do in Sphinx to help
you, or this bug can be closed?

Dmitry Shachnev
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