[Python-modules-team] follow up

John Hawthorne john at connexsocial.com
Tue Oct 17 17:32:47 UTC 2017


Just a quick follow up in case you’ve missed my email. If you’re short on time right now — no worries. I won’t bug you about it again. 

Thank you,


		On Tue, Oct 10, 2017 at 6:19 AM, John Hawthorne <john at connexsocial.com> wrote:
			Hello there,

I am sure you are busy so I will be brief. I have been doing a lot of research on boosting ecommerce sales as of late. After looking at your page http://www.linuxsecrets.com/manjaro-wiki/index.php%3Ftitle=Manjaro-irc-support-guidelines.html I noticed that you are linking to an article about improving customer service, particularly via live chat. That article is good however it does miss some important data on the topic. 

I just wanted to bring an article of mine to your attention and ask if you would like to give me some feedback about what you thought of my article.


If you were interested it would be great if you wanted to add my article as a resource on the page I mentioned. If you prefer you may also republish the article.

Thank you,


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