[Python-modules-team] stretch-backports of python3-num2words (0.5.6-1)

Sedat Dilek sedat.dilek at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 15:22:59 BST 2018


my company is currently testing Odoo Open Source ERP and CRM version 11.

The host is a Debian/stretch AMD64 system.

Odoo requires python3-num2words.

We trust in the packages of the Debian Python Modules Team and decided
us against an installation via PIP.
Currently, we have stolen python3-num2words (0.5.6-1) from Debian/buster.
To have a consistent system we highly appreciate a stretch-backport of
AFAICS the python-module is not arch-specific.

Is there anything we can do/help?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
- Sedat -

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