[Python-modules-team] Mass-commit fix of lintian ancient-python-version-field

Joseph Herlant herlantj at gmail.com
Mon May 14 01:05:52 BST 2018


On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 1:10 AM, Ondrej Novy <novy at ondrej.org> wrote:
> Are we sure it's completely safe to remove it globally?

Also, it's written in the python policy to do so:
"Another note: if there is a debian/pycompat file, you must launch
dh_python after dh_pysupport, but the recommended way is to remove
that file."

Checked in dh-python2 and 3 and I don't see how this could be an
issue. As Scott said, if that breaks any of the 18 packages, that
would probably be a bug or that the package needs to be updated to use
a supported build system.


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