[Python-modules-team] Bug#913205: python-urllib3: mythtv ttvdb.py fails with latest python-urllib3

Daniele Tricoli eriol at mornie.org
Thu Nov 8 22:23:29 GMT 2018

On 11/8/18 10:26 PM, James Bottomley wrote:
> The reported bug is a well known API incompatibility going> from urllib3 1.23 to 1.24 and affects more than just mythtv.

It's not sure that this is a bug either for mythtv, as I said, the
problem seems to be related to that cache that use pickle.
Could you try to clean this cache?

Consider, that this bug report is the first one after the upload of
urllib3 1.24 to experimental, then unstable and urllib3 1.24 was also
backported in 2018-10-29.

> I get that at some point upstreams do daft stuff like this and a
> distribution has to roll with it but it's only been 23 days since 1.24
> was released so I think debian testing could do with a little more
> caution, at least to give all the dependent projects time to update
> their code.

I can understand your feeling but testing is the development state of
the next stable Debian distribution, so some breakage can happen: yes, I
hate that too, and I try to minimize it.
I'm sorry for you but honestly I don't understand your "debian testing
could do with a little more caution" related to packages that are not
even in Debian: what do you suggest, practically? We already have CI for
packages in the distribution, but I don't see any viable way to cover
projects not packaged in Debian.

Anyway could you clean the cache and see if mythtv works again?


 Daniele Tricoli 'eriol'

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