[Python-modules-team] Bug#886291: pycryptodome: python3-pycryptodome contains pycryptodomex instead of pycryptodome

Alexis Murzeau amubtdx at gmail.com
Fri Aug 23 17:25:56 BST 2019

Le 03/01/2019 à 20:53, Alexis Murzeau a écrit (before Buster going stable) :
> Hi,
> Le 15/12/2018 à 10:08, Alexis Murzeau a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Have you got a chance to check the PR [0] ?
>> The python transition is done now, but I'm not sure we have the time to
>> complete pycryptodomex and pycrytodome transition before the freeze. (Or
>> the transition freeze is only blocking any new transition ?)
>> What do you think ?
>> [0]
>> https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/modules/pycryptodome/merge_requests/1
>> Thanks :)


Now that python3-pycrytodome binary package is in stable, I'm not sure
what's the best way to introduce pycryptodome python module. (as opposed
to pycrytodomex python module which is the module inside the
pythonX-cryptodome package)

As the Streamlink package maintainer, I'm now needing more that
pycrotodome python module as the new upstream streamlink now use a
python module Crypto.Util.Padding which is only in pycrytodome and not
in PyCrypto.

For the time being, I can just workaround this with a patch, but that's
suboptimal and not future proof in case more stuff is grabbed from
pycryptodome that doesn't exist in PyCrypto.

I can help with a patch when the direction to go to introduce
pycrytodome python module is defined.
The merge request is still there in any case.

Alexis Murzeau
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