[Python-modules-team] Processed: py2removal blocks updates - 2019-11-06 01:30:01.602288+00:00
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at bugs.debian.org
Wed Nov 6 01:33:09 GMT 2019
Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:
> # Part of the effort for the removal of python from bullseye
> # * https://wiki.debian.org/Python/2Removal
> # * http://sandrotosi.me/debian/py2removal/index.html
> # laditools
> block 936813 by 939106
Bug #936813 [src:laditools] laditools: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
936813 was blocked by: 939106 936812
936813 was blocking: 936371 936485 936757 936812 937448 937695 937703 938305 939106 943104
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #936813 to the same blocks previously set
> # pygobject
> block 937448 by 942966 936214
Bug #937448 [src:pygobject] pygobject: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
937448 was blocked by: 938604 936789 938799 937339 943123 939114 943146 936221 936981 943117 943291 943178 936758 943300 936632 942916 938593 938583 937628 938584 938803 938789 943129 943076 936813 938464 938293 943108 938329 936833 936841 938837 938511 936265 938327 939104 938361 943151 938614 937803 936624 938582 943093 937454 936619 939115 939109 939112 943186 943103 938637 936531 936721 937956 936748 938623 942988 937457 936266 937405 936398 938591 937419 943230 935358 883161 942966 943270 942919 938586 937114 938884 943294 938596 936214 943245 938665 942941 938160 936670 938084 936601 937777 943023 943131 937099 943252 936173 938780 936539 938590 936995 937703 937688 936900 937181 936371 936718 939106 937388 936225 936166 937422 943110 942956 926244 937115 943216 936717 942904 938885
937448 was blocking: 936371 937397 937439 937447 937558 937579 937695 938168 942941 943104
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #937448 to the same blocks previously set
> # python-distutils-extra
> block 937703 by 936641 937114 943270
Bug #937703 [src:python-distutils-extra] python-distutils-extra: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
937703 was blocked by: 939107 937114 943270 937457 939111 939109 939106 939104 939115 936641 936107 939105 936813 939114 939112 939113 936225 938885 849087 936119 939103 939110 926244 938623 939108 938450
937703 was blocking: 937448 937695 937817 938168 943104
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #937703 to the same blocks previously set
> # python-hypothesis
> block 937823 by 937456
Bug #937823 [src:python-hypothesis] python-hypothesis: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
937823 was blocked by: 937587 937094 937937 938293 937687 936289 938672 937558 937814 937672
937823 was blocking: 936485 937558 937587 937665 937687 937695 937758 937926 937960 938168 938234
Added blocking bug(s) of 937823: 937456
> # python-mock
> block 937926 by 937456
Bug #937926 [src:python-mock] python-mock: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
937926 was blocked by: 937714 942978 937144 937680 936219 936190 937757 937581 937617 938293 936560 935450 938226 937140 943182 937079 937554 937684 936751 936995 938532 936580 938348 936473 938441 943296 938719 936181 938810 936745 937788 936709 936544 937914 938235 938358 937558 937998 936806 937758 938231 943012 937072 937616 938372 937066 937725 937563 936304 942992 938244 936985 937157 943221 938400 936425 943270 938065 937491 938275 937238 936816 938125 938611 938370 942958 936789 943121 938015 938560 938011 937070 937692 938050 937077 936742 936775 937071 938528 937845 936774 938232 937619 937939 937074 937076 938068 938229 942957 938249 937330 938408 937485 937082 936388 938716 937073 936450 936189 938625 937823 938663 936455 936605
937926 was blocking: 937695 937769 938011 938168 938492 938756
Added blocking bug(s) of 937926: 937456
> # python-pytest-cov
> block 938102 by 937456
Bug #938102 [src:python-pytest-cov] python-pytest-cov: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
938102 was blocked by: 937463 937720 937740 938216 936816 943238
938102 was blocking: 936335 937558 937665 937695 938168
Added blocking bug(s) of 938102: 937456
> # six
> block 938492 by 937456
Bug #938492 [src:six] six: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye
938492 was blocked by: 937562 936325 943045 937605 938229 937318 938718 938408 937504 936388 937263 938716 936749 938181 937836 937244 938111 938763 936450 938155 936498 938663 936815 938756 936235 937326 938275 938222 937458 938407 937929 937883 937246 937834 938807 943121 937250 936789 937835 937895 937497 938015 938412 936430 936418 938011 938661 938289 938748 943014 937845 938528 938232 938195 937559 937236 937844 937939 938549 937875 938810 937691 936709 936624 936312 937788 937718 937993 937914 937558 938358 938487 943012 937618 936806 937926 936768 937300 938814 937740 936926 937083 936870 937724 937276 938848 938428 937568 938004 936304 938216 938676 937672 937157 936957 938244 943175 936914 943221 936730 936167 937184 936790 937714 937116 937687 937585 937781 936560 938293 937617 937937 936660 937681 935450 937587 938226 937140 937614 936956 937554 936667 936995 937602 938816 937660 938236 938425 937499 936958 938845 936120 938463 943162 938840
938492 was blocking: 937558 937695 938054 938168
Added blocking bug(s) of 938492: 937456
End of message, stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
936813: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=936813
937448: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=937448
937703: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=937703
937823: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=937823
937926: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=937926
938102: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=938102
938492: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=938492
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems
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