[Python-modules-team] Bug#937639: python-cffi: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye

Stefano Rivera stefanor at debian.org
Mon Sep 2 15:43:24 BST 2019

Control: block 937639 with 936262 937809 936555 937889 938195 938729 938622 936643 937499 937540 937602 937672 937784 937889 937937 938272 938273 938310 938840

Happy to, but there are many reverse-deps. Probably going to take a
while to get them all ported.

* python-cairocffi
* python-hidapi
* python-ipalib
* python-librtmp
* python-ssdeep
* python-twext
* tahoe-lafs

* cairocffi
* gphoto2-cffi
* hidapi-cffi
* pyopenssl
* pysoundfile
* python-bcrypt
* python-cryptography
* python-gevent
* python-librtmp
* python-nacl
* python-ssdeep
* python-xattr
* python-xeddsa
* pyzmq
* xcffib


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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