[Python-modules-team] Bug#968657: python3-dnspython: fails with EDNS0 enabled

Slavko linux at slavino.sk
Wed Aug 19 09:55:16 BST 2020

Package: python3-dnspython
Severity: important
Version: 2.0.0-1

The current version of dnspython doesn't works, when edns0 option is
enabled in resolv.conf -- the query simple timeouts.

It is know bug, resolved by upstream, but not released yet, see

I can confirm, that it solves the problem, while i applied it in
simplified way in dns/resolver.py:

elif opt == 'edns0':
    self.use_edns(0, 0, 1280)

Please, apply upstream patch, because it affects any project using this
library. I initially noticed it by failing check with dkimverify.


s pozdravom


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