[Python-modules-team] Bug#940736: Bug#949938: d-feet build depends on the removed pep8 transitional package

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Mon Jan 27 23:37:07 GMT 2020

Control: tags 949938 + pending

On Mon, 27 Jan 2020 at 13:21:03 +0200, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> pep8 is no longer built by src:pep8.

Thanks for reporting this, fix in progress. The pep8 binary package seems
to have been removed without checking for reverse-dependencies. Affected

    Checking reverse dependencies...
    # Broken Build-Depends:
    backup2swift: pep8                  #949942
    budgie-extras: pep8                 I'll open a bug
    byobu: pep8                         #949941
    cloud-init: pep8                    #949940
    custodia: pep8                      #949939
    d-feet: pep8                        #949938
    dirspec: pep8                       #949937
    ovirt-guest-agent: pep8             I'll open a bug
    pygobject: pep8                     Fix in progress
    python-apt: pep8                    I'll open a bug; fixed in experimental
    python-cliapp: pep8                 #949936
    python-ddt: pep8                    #949935
    seqdiag: pep8 (>= 1.3)              #949934
    swiftsc: pep8                       #949933
    syslog-ng: pep8                     #949847


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