[Python-modules-team] Bug#958848: python-funcsigs build-dependencies now unsatisfiable in testing, removal of pypy-pytest

peter green plugwash at p10link.net
Thu Jun 4 21:33:28 BST 2020

A few days ago Sandro Tosi uploaded the python-unittest2 and python-funcsigs source packages. It seems that both of these were effectively "team uploads" though they were not marked as such. The python-unittest2 upload dropped python 2 support while the python-funcsigs package dropped python 2 and pypy support.

python-unittest2, python-traceback2 and python-linecache2 have now migrated to testing, the result of this is that the build-dependencies of python-traceback2 and python-linecache2 are now satisfiable in testing, but those of python-funcsigs are now broken in testing.

python-funcsigs is unable to migrate to testing because pypy-pytest depends on pypy-funcsigs .

I have just filed a rc bug on vanguards ( https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=962232 ), once that is dealt with it should then be possible to drop pypy-pytest and related module packages ( pypy-atomicwrites, pypy-pluggy, pypy-py pypy-setuptools-scm pypy-wcwidth pypy-importlib-metadata and pypy-zipp )

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