[Python-modules-team] Bug#955060: streamlink: FTBFS with Sphinx 2.4: dh_sphinxdoc: error: debian/python3-streamlink-doc/usr/share/doc/python3-streamlink/html/_static/js/modernizr.min.js is missing

Alexis Murzeau amubtdx at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 22:42:34 GMT 2020


Le 27/03/2020 à 15:52, Lucas Nussbaum a écrit :
> Hi,
> streamlink fails to build with Sphinx 2.4, currently available in
> experimental.

Thanks Lucas for your notification about that failure.

>> dh_sphinxdoc: error: debian/python3-streamlink-doc/usr/share/doc/python3-streamlink/html/_static/js/modernizr.min.js is missing
>> make: *** [debian/rules:14: binary] Error 25
I've found that the error comes from dh_sphinxdoc which does a new sanity
check and check that all scripts referenced by `search.html` exists
within the package.
The missing script is in a <script> tag without type attribute.
For reference, these where not checked before, this was added
commit [0].

The missing script in my case (`modernizr.min.js`) is added at the
dh_link step later.
I've put a line accordingly in the `/python3-streamlink-doc.links` file:
usr/share/javascript/modernizr/modernizr.min.js               usr/share/doc/python3-streamlink/html/_static/js/modernizr.min.js

=> @ Debian Python Modules Team, how to handle cases when a javascript
script is symlinked to an third party package and referenced in
search.html ?

For the time being, I will probably add a manual symlink (or just call dh_link) in
`override_dh_auto_install` so it is available at dh_sphinxdoc execution.

[0] https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/modules/sphinx/-/commit/50103a465d5e35de4376b74f84c5a4b58a3c92dd
Alexis Murzeau
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